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For deemed rehabilitation, how I can qualify?

You will be qualified for deemed rehabilitation if you have committed an offence in any other country and if that offence is not equal to an indictable crime and if its penalty is less than ten years and if you satisfy the following conditions,

You have applied after ten years has passed by since the sentence.

In the last ten years you should not have committed any indictable offence.

You should not been accused of committing an indictable offence outside Canada which is equivalent to an indictable offence when committed in Canada, in the last ten years.


If you have been committed in a summary of acts which when committed in Canada is equivalent to summary of offences, and meets the following conditions,

At least there should be completion of 5 years since the time of sentence.

In Canada you should not have committed any indictable summary of offence for the last 5 years.

You shouldn’t have committed any indictable summary of offence outside Canada which is equivalent of similar to any indictable summary of offence when committed in Canada, in the last 5 years.


If you have been accused for committing an indictable offence with a penalty of less than ten years and you fall under any of these conditions,

Your sentence has been completed fully and ten years should have passed away.

You should not been accused to any indictable offence or summary of offence in the past ten years in Canada, or you should not been accused of any indictable summary of offence committed outside Canada which is equivalent to an indictable offence when it is committed in Canada, for the last ten years.

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